Through performance, installation, film and photography my work explores the poetic interweaving and inter-relationship between sense of self, body and environment.
Using my body as the starting point I have created performances and images that arise out of my physical explorations and interactions with a diverse range of sites: from a castle to a kitchen cupboard, a bookshop to a drainage channel, to name but a few.
My works seeks to be both humorous and disturbing, challenging our ideas of separateness, presence and absence, space and relationship, pointing to what is often unseen or overlooked.
Blurring the boundary between subject and object, between built structures and the live body "allow for the working of a kind of sympathetic magic..."
"Matrixial Traces in Performance: the anchor series”, Kuburović, Parallax 50, 2009, vol. 15.
Since becoming a mother my focus has also come to rest on the maternal body as site, as ‘home’ and the fluidity of self and identity in relation to home, family and the life journey of the maternal relationship.
The built house itself: memory, dream, past and present inhabiting the homespace, and the ‘body’ of the house transformed into an uncanny shadow of itself.
The maternal as a way of being in the world and in relation to art making is at the heart of my long term explorations and collaboration with artist Zoë Gingell and the ‘Mothersuckers Project’.
Consistently influenced by ideas of embodiment in relation to environment, my focus is turning to the natural environment, landscape and place and exploring how I operate in relation to the land/ location in which I live and that supports me and the current of care between us.
There is a growing sense of emergence and potency in which the body isn’t hidden or subsumed by its surroundings, but an exploration of the process of embodiment in relation to the systems in nature, that is ecologically and politically engaged.
We are both the same but different. We are both different but the same.
(*)“Threshold” Sara Rees, Platfform: Contemporary performance practice in Wales, 2003